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Monday, April 20, 2009

skids from the edge

We lose things and people when we less value them and see their imperfections more.
The idea of doing things for the others may have been given to everybody since the dawn of men, but the act of doing were only realized by a very few somebody.

Should I give credits to a feigned kindness to debit a fraction of my soul?

I will be in silence to forbear the loudness of thy flaws, and I will whisper If I can take it no more.

We fish on the lake to get the catch we want. Should we dwell to wait in patience, or rush ourselves to luck?

A change of heart is when our faith on things, on the others and to ourselves, changed. How long can we be faithful?

Don't let anyone's pretentious wit drag you to perplexity.

Me: dear Self, I am sorry
Self: it's ok, you're forgiven
Me: thank you
Self: the next time you apologize, make it early
Me: *smile*

Life’s constant trials always give us an evaluation of what's left in our sanity afterwards.

It is utterly rough to be a friend with people we perceived only as our inferior followers.

Let’s be serious over a cup of coffee and be jolly over a glass of wine.

One’s silence holds more truth than the noise the other one makes.

No amount of clever lies can wound a single naive truth.

As the world gets louder, some loses their character. While the truth is out of nowhere, false believers grew closer and very few remain a seeker.

Scale yourself evenly against life and you will never say it’s unfair.

We sometimes submit ourselves to foolishness just to fill-up our own emptiness.

Somewhere over the rainbow is nothing but a place called sky.

The show of the world is to fail its dissatisfied citizens with thousands of things it offers yet it cannot afford to fill.

A funny valentine could mean a date with a clown.

Life could be so typically ordinary if you less risk because you hesitate more, and you know less but fear more about yourself.

For several times I crossed bridges with the other end of it is missing, or nothing. And I walked back.

I wish I can afford to buy over-priced flattery sold by cheap people.

I can afford a below-minimum wage living but definitely not the thinking. I can dream!

We all wish the best for the others but seldom take part to make it come true.

And you think a falling star will notice your wish if it falls that fast?

You should understand your prayers more, than memorize them.

The joy of doing something is far more sensible than having the fun of almost everything.

Never put too much effort in fun, nor even fall in love with it because literally,  it's just fun!

Fun never fills an empty space inside anyone, it always stay on the surface.

People mask themselves of fun if they sometimes lose their face of joy.

And you will learn that laughter is not genuine happiness, intelligence is not success, camaraderie works best if less and tears dries out only if it flow.

I was once starved enough to swallow a flattery, my heart got sick and my spirit near lapsed.

The incapacity to love is the advantage of hesitation. To refuse a chance is a marriage to misery.

Love has its own strange language only two people understand and the others don't.

Good memories with friends were written with the ink of sincerity, from the pen's tip of respect, and by a gentle hand of understanding.

Some sadness are self-made.

I'm too afraid to know what's in Chicken Soup for the "Chicken" Soul.

Every time I think about how the bees work hard for a honey, it makes me like Mondays.

I'm a priceless soul occasionally on sale.

It's when I started to become stubborn I finally learn.

Some people couldn't compromise a small amount of honesty even if it would cost them a huge loss of trust later.

Let's pile-up  good memories with people and we will always be missed.

Should I consider myself versatile if I enjoy some spiritual moment of godlessness for awhile?

I have to stop walking if the road I'm taking is achingly tiring going on circling.

Repeated mistakes are made by people who completely misunderstood their lessons.

I find myself sometimes in a painful battle in keeping a bottle of my own wine morals and yes, it's good for my heart.

The intolerant always blame the world of his lack,  to people and his self  he feebly makes a mock.

Flattery is like a fragmented sentence of adjectives, no verbs. When conjugated with sense it appears like a riddle of endless guessing. But words of bare sincerity does not only make a good story line, but a song.

I know I can't keep on crossing my fingers if the law of murphy takes effect.

We make our own rules and later break them. Then be our own judge as well!

There is no need for a cheat on a love game. You want to win, you exit the play.

Some people just fall into their own worth, and not in love.

Easy to deny things that we resent, and always brag on things that we misrepresent.

Isn't it tiring to keep on running in our own circle of mistakes?

Sometimes we need to learn our lessons seriously on people who never take us seriously.

Don't satisfy people who starve you. You may not serve them the same dish they offer you, go feed them but not as much as you do.

Unhappiness is a product of wrong choices and reactions in life, and not as a strike of situation we need to swallow and consider it a strife.

The only people who really understand you are those who uses their ears and not their mouth to listen to you.

In love we allow ourselves to be stupid and abused sometimes. Then later be awakened by a pinch of reality telling us to let go and get a new hair cut, and a new love.

The only people who deserve honesty are those who can afford to give it back.

Love needs no painful persuasion, nor consideration out of sympathy. We all need to be really and not trying hard to be in-love.

Why give people a cake of your time if they can only afford you a crumb of theirs?

It is not necessary to take a single step on taking chances with people if we knew in the first place we can't reach and meet them half-way.

No matter how long and rocky the road we're traveling, we must always take time to look back. We might have dropped or left something behind as we passed some humps and bumps.

We always overlook the others' importance if we are too much coated with our own arrogance.

... more to come still under moderation.
Updated 07 July 2012

Monday, March 9, 2009

La Ignorancia no es una Excusa (Ignorance is not an Excuse)

The humankind, or let me just say the human race since not all human are kind, it's where ignorance are broadly practiced if an event or an individual is harshly trivialized by some people who are rooted with anger, jealousy and mostly, self-centeredness. This is an intolerable mischief.

Education, and more education? Frames of MA's, PHD's hanging in their living room aren't sufficient enough confirmation that their judgment are fair and they are better than anyone else. People are wearing themselves out to earn more degree in a false hope to reach a higher degree of recognition and awards, yet they become too critical forgetting considerations, and exceedingly distant to understand the simplicity of things that made some of them in the lowest status in the society, ostracized. Intelligence is what they possess, but still they can be ignorant…they only care for things on their level, and not to all.

Let’s Party! You forgot knowing yourself more because you we’re too intoxicated last night and could be again tonight…and what matters is where the crowd hangs-out next and what's the latest happenings and stories about the others that might make you resent and feel sorry to yourself again, and again…and again. “I fastened myself to the world, to all the things it offers and to everyone I really don’t like, and with this I believe I know better…I’m in the world, I know its pains and joys!” Yes it’s their world; a place of restlessness… and maturity is measured on the amount of consumed liquors per day or week, countless sleepless nights and lots of “I wish”. Deadened hearts and minds, they can still be ignorant…they only care for pleasures.

“Come with me to the light and you will have salvation…TCH!” Dogmatists have no place in this world. They have mastered the doctrines, habitually present in every meeting, but where are their minds really? Humans with hearts made of unadulterated prejudices, addicted to miracles as well as obsessed on social acceptance and flatteries, their minds are nowhere to be seen anymore…not even by them. They’re vainly trying hard to save others souls through prayers sealed in an envelope, with scripted chants repeated endlessly to the gods of heavens as if those are hearing impaired and without knowing the prayer of an ant is effective than theirs. Rapid conclusion, that’s what their purpose is. They sentence anyone faster than a lightning without consulting their countenance in the mirror. They can still be ignorant, and mostly they are…for they only care is how to look perfect and sacred...and that's all.

Eyes and ears perceived things, your thoughts can dwindle anytime to execute pain or joy to anyone with a big help from your speech. But if such speech is engulfed with shallow observations, architected with hate and jealousy and not by facts and fairness… you better be mute for life rather than quacking your decency and parading your imbecile ness in the affairs. As the tongue of your judgment spread malice persistently, your thought is going to where those words reach as well, and you too made an impression of yourself…made you even worst than the subject you degrade.

Too much recognition, pleasures and righteousness prop-up nothing but divisions between men… families and friends, and the knowledge for the root of things were deprived. Ignorance is indeed the top of the game they play and not just those they really enjoy in a great deal, and they prefer it that way. They live their lives based on the world’s checklists, and manipulate those surrounding them to achieve fame. If the laziness to investigate truth should also come with the laziness to cast out opinion easily, then there will be no offense…and no more excuses.